Tealeaf Ecological, LLC. is a natural resource services company located in Pennsylvania providing wildlife and ecological studies throughout the U.S.

Our Services

Bat Studies

Habitat assessments, roost assessments (including bridge and culvert), capture surveys, telemetry, acoustic monitoring, infrared video monitoring, potential and known roost emergence surveys, PIT tagging, mortality surveys at operating wind facilities (including birds)

Allegheny Woodrat Studies

Habitat assessments, capture surveys, telemetry

Small Mammal Studies

Northern Flying Squirrel: Habitat assessments, capture surveys, telemetry; West Virginia Water Shrew, North American Least Shrew, Rock Vole: Habitat assessments and capture surveys

Bird Studies

Mortality surveys at operating wind facilities (including bats); Short-eared Owl and Northern Harrier: Habitat assessments, nest surveys (transect and dawn/dusk potential or known habitat monitoring)

Herpetofauna Studies

Timber Rattlesnake, Eastern Hellbender, Green Salamander: Habitat assessments

Document Preparation

Threatened and endangered species survey reports, Pennsylvania Natural Diversity Inventory Environmental Reviews, Environmental Assessment, Biological Assessments for Biological Opinion, Conservation Plans

Interpretive Programs

45-minute classroom presentations available for public programs or events: Backyard Bats (also available as a school assembly program), Managing Woodlots for Mammal Habitat, Backyard Community Science Projects; Night-time Critter Walk: includes 1.5-hour nature hike and 20-to-30-minute pre-walk discussion


Constructing, placing, and monitoring a bat house; Remote bat monitoring techniques including acoustic and infrared video; Managing land for wildlife habitat; Establishing a community science program

Grant Application and Implementation

Grant search and preparation of grant applications; Grant implementation including project management and document preparation

Get in touch

Julie Zeyzus
President, Wildlife Biologist
Tealeaf Ecological, LLC.

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© Tealeaf Ecological, LLC. Created by Critical Launch